Minggu, 21 September 2014

Propagation by stem cuttings will

Propagation by stem cuttings will continually degrade the quality of the plant. Therefore, propagation by cuttings is only recommended for 3-5 generations planting.
Land preparation for cultivation of sweet potato

Soil conditions are suitable for the cultivation of sweet potatoes is sandy loam, friable, contains a lot of nutrients and has good drainage. Cultivation of sweet potatoes on a dry soil and cracks, will reduce plant immunity. Plants susceptible to pests and diseases. Conversely, if planted in place muddy or wet, the tuber will dwarf, high fiber content, tuber rot and shape bumps easily.

The degree of acidity of the soil are ideal for the
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Relatively sweet potato cultivation does not require a lot of fertilizer. Especially when planted in former paddy fields. Before planting yams, soil should be plowed or hoed so loose. Then the form of beds 30-40 cm tall. Create bedangan 60-100 cm wide with a distance of 40-60 cm between beds. Length of beds following the shape of the land.

For sweet potato cultivation organically, provide basic fertilizer in the form of manure or compost. Manure is a good mixture of chicken manure and cow or goat that has matured. Mix the fertilizer at the time of making beds at a dose of 20 tons per hectare.
Planting sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are grown by means of stem cuttings two thirds buried into the ground. In the beds there are two rows of plants. The distance between plants in a row 30 cm and 40 cm spacing between rows. It takes about 36 thousand rods for one hectare.

In the beginning try to keep the growth
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Maintenance and care

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