Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014

Sidoo xiirtaa oo mar beeray dhulka hoose ah

Sidoo xiirtaa oo mar beeray dhulka hoose ah, sida in beeraha iyo in pekarang. Haddii miraha beeraha waxaa lagu koriyaa dhulka sare ee qaraha qadhaadh, oo midhaha waa kecil2 inta badan ka yar iyo koritaanka midho caadiga ah.
Syarat2 muhiim ah in u / karsado, koritaanka waa ciidda dabacsan, dad badan oo humus ku jirto, iyo pH ciidda u dhaxaysa 5-6. Dhirta Lørenskog uma baahna qoraxda badan. JD koraan karaa in meeshaas waa qabow / hadhka leh.
Geedaha iska xiirtaa oo lagu taliyey in la beeray dayrka. Iyada oo muddo beeray wanaag waa bilowga xilli-roobaadka ama hore xilli qalalan.
3 Sida loo beeri
Xiirtaa oo faafin by abuur. Haddii iska xiirtaa oo ku beerteen para2. Cabbirka ee width god of 30 cm iyo 20 cm kedaamanya ah. Masaafada u dhaxaysa godadkii 60 cm
Agen Bola iyo 200 cm kala dheereynta u dhexeeya saf.
God kasta oo buuxiyey digada / carro taas ayaa SN sida ugu badan ee 2/3 koob dheeraad ah oo ka wanaagsan. Intaa waxaa dheer, god ku dhex beeray kasta geedo ayaa diyaar u ah in aad abuurto 1 seedling / god ama haddii la isticmaalayo abuur god kasta abuur ditanam1-2 iyo miraha la abuuri karaa 4-7 maalmood ka dib.
Marka dhirta canabkuna waxay gaadhi 50 cm sare, ka dhigay para2 sare sida 1-1.5 m ee dhirta menjalarkan Lørenskog. Faafinta iska xiirtaa oo warshad sidoo kale la samayn karaa on a saamiga ama cirif TRELLIS. Wixii aad abuurto in xayndaabka pinggir2, dhirta faafin ee Td pagar2. Sidaa darteed, biji2 iska xiirtaa oo ku beertay weheliyaan Lørenskog deedka ku.
Bacriminta Artificial waxaa sida caadiga ah morbidly siiyo. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, si aad u hesho natiijo lagu qanci karo waa in la siiyaa bacrimiyo on dalagga. Lørenskog Bacriminta aan dabiici ahayn oo ah qaab urea, tsp iyo KCl at cabirku yahay 1, 2, 2 sida ugu badan ee 15 g of kasta warshad (3 g urea; 6gr TS; 6 garaam oo KCL). Lørenskog bacrimiyo waa in la siiyaa 1 month dhirta jir ah oo ay weheliyaan falashada. Ka dib markii 1.5-2 bilood jir, dhirta dumar bilaabi ubaxa. ATU tersumberdayakan dheer nafleyda hanti dirqi ah xitaa ku dhawaad ​​illowday in bulshada in waa caynkiisa. Tetragonolobus Psophocarpus ama bean oo caynkiisa (L.)
Taruhan Bola  DC Tani waa hooyo si kulaalayaasha oo idil ku faafay Indonesia. Meelaha qaarkood loo yaqaan Digirta starfruit (North Sumatra, West Sumatra), embing lawska (Palembang), Jaat (dillaacay), Cipir, bean oo caynkiisa (Java), Kelongkang (Bali), Biraro (Manado, Ternate).

Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014

Yam is a tuber horticulture class.

Yam is a tuber horticulture class. In addition to the food, yam used for raw material medicine and beauty treatments.

Tips for successful cultivation of organic yam

Yam or yam (Pachyrhizus erosus L) is a creeping plant. This plant can be up to 5-6 meters in length with a spreading habit and twisted. Yam tuber is taken and used as food, made ​​of flour, medicinal raw materials and other processed food.
How is the proper way to plant and care for the vines as well as finding a suitable location to grow these crops.

Finding a home that looks green by plants is certainly a soothing sight, especially those that include the type of plant lovers. Especially if the location of your home is located in dense urban areas where plants are very rarely encountered. This is what underlies many of the houses in urban areas began to apply peghijauan around their homes. Whether it be a miniature of a garden around the house, indoor gardens, hanging gardens, to the vertical garden. This is a smart way to outsmart the shortage of land for growing crops.

Determining the type of plants that will be planted around the house we were also menjadai one of the things that need consideration. There are various types of plants that we can choose, ranging from hedge plants, fruit trees, ornamental tanamn, as well as other plant species. One type of plant that is now being ogled the vines or creeper. These plants can be considered to be due to the speed of growth of a shade that can make these plants grow very dense and cover the surrounding area. However, when this plant climbers, important to note its location.
The impression of a natural life with green surroundings Hosting Unlimited dan Domain Murah Terbaik di Indonesianot only can be done by planting crops on land, or in pots. The walls can also be a soothing atmosphere medium, an alternative solution might be that you see a creeping plant in the wall, the question is what is the appropriate plants in a tropical place and how it is applied ?, ?, following quote Johana Erly.W an environmentalist and writer specialized on exterior home in the tabloids, provides insight and solutions.

Recognize vines for home walls
Get to know about the vines
Planting vines on the wall proved it can reduce the air temperature in the house, because the plants can absorb heat seta regulate the flow temperature, addition of green plants can refresh the view. This is called the green wall. When the rainy season is completed and the arrival of the long summer, the house will be affected due to sunburn. Wall of the house is the front of the house looks the most exposed panas.Untuk reduce the heat, you can get around with a green wall or green plants as wallcoverings. The trick is quite simple, namely to propagate the plants on the wall.

Rabu, 06 Agustus 2014

Treatment plant

Treatment plant
To get a good harvest, mustard plant and car
Roller Blindse must be guarded well too. Care is needed by plants include caisim

watering, should be routinely performed in the morning and afternoon, except for rainy days
fertilization, can be done by spraying liquid fertilizer at a dose of 10 ml / 1 liter of water when the plant is 4 dap, 11 dap and 17 dap. POC form of additional fertilizer can also be given when the plants aged 7, 14 and 21 haris after planting.
weeding, if done around the plant grows wild grasses or weeds.
fungicide or insecticide spraying can be done to control pests and diseases. Spraying should be done 2 weeks before the plants at harvest, so that the poison is no longer attached to the plant at the time of harvest.
5. Harvesting
Caisim harvesting can be done after the plant is between 40-45 days. Harvesting can be done by pulling the plant up roots, or just cut the base course. Harvesting too late will cause rapid flowering mustard plants. Plants that have
Agen Judi Bola been harvested should be in put in the shade and in the drizzle of water that are not easily wilt. Caisim storage at room temperature only lasted 1-2 days. but if stored in the refrigerator wrapped in newspaper and plastic bags can last up to 1 week.